Copyright @Lingyun Mao

Copyright @John Ou

Copyright @KongLai Wah

Copyright @Lingyun Mao
About PSA
The Photographic Society of America (PSA) is a worldwide organization for anyone with an interest in photography. Founded in 1934, the Society is for casual shutterbugs, serious amateurs, and professional photographers. PSA has members in over 70 countries. Individual and photo organization memberships offer a wide variety of services and activities: a monthly journal; online photo galleries; image evaluation; study groups; courses; competitions; an annual conference; opportunities for recognition of photographic achievement and service; and discounts on photography-related products and services.
To promote the art and science of photography as a means of communication, image appreciation and cultural exchange.
Provide education, information, inspiration and opportunity to all persons interested in photography.
Foster personal growth and expression, creativity, excellence and ethical conduct in all aspects of photographic endeavor.

About PSA Metropolitan Chapter
PSA Metropolitan Chapter (PSA-MET) established in 2015. PSA Chapter were organized under the Society's Bylaws in 1955. Each Chapter has a PSA charter and can be thought of as a local "branch" of the Society. The Chapter’s principle purpose is to further promote the aims, functions, and objectives of the PSA and to encourage membership in the PSA. Since 1955, forty Chapters have received a PSA charter. PSA-MET is one of the 12 Chapters in USA today. PSA-MET is serving for the PSA members in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
Welcome PSA Members
we want you to get most out of your membership! many activites are only for PSA members.
Log in as PSA member in the PSA website: https://psa-photo.org , it will redirects to member only pages, you will enjoy the benefits of PSA member