Award Ceremony for 1st Metropolitan Chapter National Contest, 3 December 2015
The award ceremony of PSA-Metropolitan Chapter’s first national contest was held at the Millstone River Gallery in Princeton, New Jersey on December 3, 2015. The ceremony occurred along with the opening reception for “The Oxen of Hopewell” an exhibition of work by Allen Jones, a member of Princeton Photography Club.
PSA Metropolitan Chapter organized the national contest in October 2015 and received a thousand images from a hundred participants throughout the US. The exhibition was chaired by Theresa Hood and the images were judged by experienced photographers, Guo Jiang Ou, EPSA, Xin Xin Liang, EPSA, Mohammad Ali Salim, MPSA and Rowshan Akhter, PPSA.
PSA Metropolitan Chapter chairman, Kah-Wai Lin, PPSA, welcomed everyone at the awards ceremony. After a slide show of winning images, he presented the honors to the winners who are mostly from New Jersey: Jay Brandinger, John Clarke, David Anderson, Scott Gordon, Judith Keneman, Monica McInnes, Kathleen Nademus, Bennett Povlow, Sandra Shapiro, Lois Wilkes, Corinne Reslier and John Wells.
Special thanks to the Princeton Photography Club for arranging the events and to the Merwick Care & Rehabilitation Center its sponsorship.
Photography by Chun Li, Meiqi Zhou, Starry Wang, Yuan Yuan, Karl Wang and Yuefei Shao.

Photography by Chun Li.

Photography by Chun Li.

Photography by Meiqi Zhou.

Photography by Meiqi Zhou.

Photography by Karl Wang.

Photography by Karl Wang.

Photography by Meiqi Zhou.

Photography by Meiqi Zhou.

Photography by Meiqi Zhou.

Photography by Meiqi Zhou.

Photography by Meiqi Zhou.

Photography by Karl Wang.

Photography by Yuefei Shao.

Photography by Yuan Yuan.